
One of the biggest effects of climate change, is the rising of the sea levels. Even a one foot rise can have a devastating effect to coastal cities and their surroundings. This will not only affect infrastructures, but also toxic materials that can contaminate the incoming water and subsequently human health. This application will assist the government, for-profit, and non-profit organizations, in understanding and planning for rising sea-levels.

In this application you will be able to overlay your data with sea-level rise data, which is created by NOAA and hosted through ESRI. You are able to add a wide variety of data.

  • If you have data available through ArcGIS Server, you can just drag and drop it into the map.
  • If you have a zipped shapefile, you can use the add shapefile button.
  • If you don't own any ESRI products, you can create a CVS file, with Latitude and Longitude information, and drag and drop it into the map.

To find out more about this map please follow this link.

Special thanks to ESRI and NOAA for making this data available.

Sea-Level Rise and its Impact
Created by Tim Witt, visit my website

Drag and Drop Service

Drag and drop a map services url to the map. You can drag and drop the following link to test this.

Test Service URL

Drag and Drop CVS

Drag and drop a csv file with latitude/longitude information from windows explorer to the map.

Note: The CSV file must store the location in fields with one of the following names:
Latitude fields: lat, latitude, y, ycenter
Longitude fields: lon, long, longitude, x, xcenter

I have prepared a cvs file which you can download by clicking the following link: Test CVS

Add a shapefile

You are also able to add a zipped shapefile. Just click the following button and navigate to your zipped shapefile.